Decompiler of Visual Basic programs. Decompiling forms, p-code, native code rapidly in order to provide the perfect environment for debugging
VB Decompiler Lite is a decompiler for programs (EXE, DLL or OCX) written in Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0 and disassembler for programs written on .NET technology. As you know, programs in Visual Basic can be compiled into interpreted p-code or into native code.

Since p-code consists of high-level commands, there is a real possibility to decompile it into the source code (of course, the names of variables and some functions will not be decompiled). VB Decompiler Lite restores source code from p-code as much as possible precisely.

And after some modifications you may try to compile generated code. If a program was compiled into the native code, restoring full source code from machine instructions is not possible. But VB Decompiler Lite can help to analyze the program even in this situation as well. 
decompile application | decompile DLL | application decompiler | decompile | decompiler | disassemble

It contains a powerful disassembler and emulator. This powerful engine tries to decode most assembler instructions to most likely VB commands. Of course, it fails on some optimizations of assembler code and sometimes generate incorrect instructions. But at this time this is a best way to analyze native code applications.

If a program was compiled to .NET assembly, decompiler will recover all tables and modules in managed assembly and disassemble all methods, functions and events using IL disassembler. .NET FrameWork is not needed for decompilation.

In general, VB Decompiler Lite is an ideal tool for analyzing programs and it is perfect if you lose the source code and need to partially restore the project.
 VB Decompiler Lite is the ideal tool for programs analysis and recovering lost source code.
Here are some key features of "VB Decompiler Lite":
  • Decompiling forms and usercontrols object files
  • P-code decompiling
  • Disassembling native code procedures
  • Syntax coloring in decompiled code
  • String reference list and search engine
  • Fast decompiling speed
  • Intel/AMD processor 1.8Ghz or higher
  • 256Mb of free RAM
  • Some features are disabled: P-Code decompiling, view API function references and view string data references
What's New in This Release:
  • Support for the x64 .NET applications (managed code only)
  • All translations is true unicode now
  • Correctly show unicode chars in name of form, module, function, code, etc
  • Unicode editing of String References
  • All internal code and structures is rewriten to unicode now
  • New functions for String References (access from the popup menu):
  • copy to clipboard and open in a HEX Editor
  • Deleted right edge line at the code listing
  • ProgressBar in Windows 7/8 taskbar
  • Increased string referencess processing speed
  • Filtering empty lines of code
  • File opening and compiler checking optimized
  • Increasing speed of the parsing methods (VB5/6)
  • Refactoring and optimizations
  • Search strings without a case sensitive
  • After opening database and if file for the decompilation is not found,
  • VB Decompiler trying to search file in a folder with database
  • Processing single vbCr and vbLf (P-Code)
  • Show partially recovered DataReport, DataEnvironment, DHTMLPage designers (dsr)
  • PropertyPages (pag) and UserDocuments (dob)
  • BugFix:...
Publisher:DotFix Software
Size/OS::3.7 MB / Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 8 64 bit / 2008


:VB Decompiler Lite

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