An easy to work with application that can generate football draft simulations, allowing league structure and team composition editing
FanDraft Football is an intuitive application that can help football fans create their own football draft simulation.

Make your fantasy draft feel like an actual NFL Draft with streaming draft tickers, automated draft clocks, and a digitally displayed draft board.

FanDraft is the perfect draft companion for your fantasy league's draft. It can be projected via a digital projector, or output onto a large television or video monitor, and displayed to your entire league.

FanDraft Football works as a digital draft board for fantasy football drafts. FanDraft includes a player board, a draft clock, and a streaming ticker, and offers customizable draft ordering, team logos, audio, and draft reports. 
Here are some key features of "FanDraft Football":
generate football draft | create football league | enhance football draft | football | sports | simulator

  • Digital Fantasy Draft Board: Display by player listing, team grid, round, or positional breakdown.
  • Custom Logos: Import your own team and league logos, as well as owner images.
  • Real Time Clock: Customizable by minutes and seconds. Audio alerts when clock is expiring.
  • Streaming Ticker: Constantly streaming on the bottom, and reporting all of the latest picks.
  • Regular or Auction Style Drafts : Customizable Draft Order / Salary Cap Rules.
  • PreDraft Presentation: Run this during the time before draft begins.
  • Multiple Draft Reports: Hand out all of the results to owners immediately following the draft.
  • Import/Export data : Export draft results for use in Commissioner Online / Import Draft Order results.
  • Manage up to 30 fantasy teams and up to 50 rounds.
  • A completely customizable draft order.
  • Add Players or Teams on the Fly: For easy handling of trades during the draft.
  • Import your own audio to listen to during the draft and predraft.
  • Automatically tracks roster size, position maximums, and remaining auction dollars.
  • Customizable Player Database: Allowing for easy add/remove/re-rank of NFL players.
Limitations in the trial version:
  • The unregistered version is limited to a 2-round draft.
What's New in This Release:
  • New features:
  • 2014 NFL Players
  • Fully revamped WEB product/remote draft tool
  • Redesigned SETUP area.
  • Improved the Draft Order setup.
  • Ability to import prior-year player images.
  • Software auto-checks for updates upon launch.
  • Added cut-and-paste to setup areas.
  • Player images can now be transparent
  • Increased “Phonetic name” character limit to unlimited.
  • Improved “Keeper Setup” (auto-fills rounds/picks).
  • Ability to add MP4 video format for player photos.
  • Option to play just 10 seconds of team song.
  • New On-screen HELP icon.
  • Increased logo and image sizes.
  • Added new board display to the UNDOCK area.
  • Customizable sound fx and voice responses for draft pick feedback responses.
  • New “On Deck” pop-up, displaying info about who is currently drafting.
  • Right-click on draft board to toggle between displaying BYE/IR/TEAM
  • Auction “On Deck” by-passes teams out of money
  • The “Pick Announcement” now displays for the last pick of...
Publisher:FanSoft Media
Size/OS::21.9 MB / Windows 2K / XP / 7 / 8


:FanDraft Football

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