Record company sales and inventory items with this comprehensive application that supports input from touch screens and can generate PDF reports

Stores of varying size have always benefited from the increase in digital tools. From sales recorders to complex business optimization utilities, one can employ a wide variety of programs to decrease costs and raise profits.
Record sales in a highly secure environment

mTouchPos can assist users in running a more efficient business by tracking all the sales made. The application supports touch-screen displays and features a highly intuitive interface, built around several ribbons.

However, before any data is recorded, it should be noted that the program requires an SQL server to be installed. This is performed automatically during install and ensures data is safely stored. Also, once properly set up, users must run the program with Administrator privileges. A second important security feature is the ability to password-protect the database
Generate multiple types of reports in most common formats

The program keeps track of all products a small to medium size store, restaurant or club can sell. As with most managers, users have to define the source data. There are multiple fields to complete, which ensures no data is left behind. Users can define new products, complete with barcodes, descriptions and pricetags.

Once items have been created, recording sales requires only a few mouse clicks. The application allows users to define new clients and a special “Debt” category can be employed to keep track of delayed transactions. One of the great features of this application is the ability to export reports to multiple formats, including PDFs, HTMLs, RTFs and even TXTs.
The utility keeps track of item stocks and store sales

Summing up, mTouchPos is a great tool for recording store sales in a secure environment. The wide variety of reports that can be generated ensures data can quickly be disseminated to third parties.

Developer:MTPos Co.,LTD
file size:66 MB
operating system::Windows



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